Mahurangi Matters – Off the Record

Paparazzi pest

While taking pictures at the Matakana School Gala, a Mahurangi Matters photographer felt he hadn’t quite captured the right image of Austin Peel, 2, fishing for ducks in a pond. Although Austin was being spirited away by his adult companion after a long morning, the Matters man chased after him asking if Austin might be willing to cast a few more lines. Austin, delighted by the attention, swung his rod merrily as our photographer snapped away. Sadly, the merriment was abruptly cut short when Austin swung too vigorously, overbalanced and fell headlong into the pool. Dad was suddenly faced with having to deal with a thoroughly soaked and unhappy toddler. Mahurangi Matters would like to thank dad for kindly refraining from booting our photographer into the pool as well.