Kaipara pipers prepare for international stage

Members of the Bennett family of Kaipara Flats are making their mark on the NZ pipe band scene and have their sights set on winning the Australian Pipe Band Championships next April.

The Bennetts all play for the Warkworth and Wellsford Pipe Band and will compete in Australia with the City of Auckland Pipe Band. Thomas, 20, and Monica, 15, play the bagpipes, while 18-year-old Anthony plays the snare drum.

“I think the thing we enjoy the most is playing in competitions,” Monica says. “We used to get nervous performing, but now it just feels natural.”

The trio has performed in a number of places including Wellington, Nelson, Palmerston North and at the Highland Games in Waipu. Last August, they travelled with the Auckland band to the Inter-Celtic Festival of Lorient in France.

“Around 700,000 people came to that festival so it was an amazing experience.”
In addition to performing, the Bennetts also attend summer schools to improve playing. Most recently, they were in Christchurch, for the second biggest summer school of its kind in the world.

“Some of the best pipe band musicians from around the world were there, so we learnt a lot.”

Monica received one of four scholarships offered at the school, worth over $1000. This will allow her to attend the Piping Hot Summer Drummer in Canada next year, the top school in the world.

She also successfully auditioned for the Foundation NZ Youth Pipe Band this year, the top band in NZ for musicians aged between 13 and 21.

“The youth band is definitely a step up and they like to keep you on your toes by giving you about 20 pieces of music with only a few weeks to learn them all off by heart.”
Thomas, Anthony and Monica picked up their instruments five years ago after being inspired by the pipe band at the Warkworth A&P Show.

Anthony is now drum sergeant in that band and teaches the younger musicians, while Thomas is bagpipe sergeant. The band practices at the Shoesmith Hall, on Mondays at 7pm and is looking for more members. Tuition is free and instruments and clothing are provided.

Info: Thomas Bennett 422 2440